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What Makes A Great Manager?
Supervision tips and free resources.  Answers to supervision and management situations.


Winning cover letters and resumes lead to winning interviews - Try the recommended resources below:

Amazing Cover Letter Creator

Resume writing services with a 100% guarantee.

Save time and land your new job faster.  Post instantly to over 75 career sites.

Send your resume to 1000's of recruiters

Develop a Promotion Plan

Promote offers a strategy and tips for getting promoted at your government job.  Promotions are made much as the jobs are filled in government jobs, through an examination process that may include one or more of the following tests - written test, oral interview, and performance test.

Here's our step-by-step strategy for getting promoted.   We've included links to valuable resources to put you on the fast track.

  1. Develop a Promotion Plan
  2. Learn From Others
  3. Get It Done on the Job
  4. Get It Done in the Classroom
  5. The Promotion
  1. You start preparing for your promotion the day you start working at your current government job.  If you wait until the promotion opportunity is announced, you're too late.
  2. As soon as you're hired, check with your supervisor or the Personnel organization to identify your promotional opportunities.   Ask for job descriptions or prior job announcements for the jobs that you can promote into.
  3. Review the job descriptions or prior job announcements.  Underline the major duties or responsibilities of those jobs.  These major duties and responsibilities are the skills, knowledges and abilities that you need to develop every opportunity you get.
  4. For each major duty or responsibility, set a goal.    Promotional opportunities typically occur every two to four years.  Set your goals with the intent of being ready to promote in two years.
  5. Prioritize.  If you're strong in one major duty, focus on the duties that you need to improve your abilities.  If a major duty or responsibility is one of the skills, knowledges or abilities that you'll be tested on for the promotion, place a higher priority on that major duty or responsibility.
  6. Periodically evaluate your progress performing the tasks that will be required in the jobs that you're promoting to.



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